Monday 4 March 2013

Goodwill clothing demons and grumpy old men

A British court is cracking down on a woman who ripped up her neighbor's flower beds, warning her that if she doesn't behave she'll face a fine. The flower-ripper says she only attacked after a neighbor trained a squirrel to torment her by entering her yard. It's not clear if the judge pointed out that squirrels don't have to be trained to seek out nuts, but we're pretty sure everyone in the courtroom was thinking it.Also from the files of Britain: Lousy at Crime Except for That Jack The Ripper Business comes the story of a fellow who tried to escape cops on a moped.Will you be looking for this Halloween period top-rated, best-selling Cheap Opaque Diamond Net Pantyhose? Then seem no even more. The subsequent are classified as the Halloween costumes. Which was about as effective against patrol cars and a helicopter as you'd expect. After a gripping chase that reached speeds of 30 mph, he gave himself up. Whereupon trained squirrels promptly attacked him.It is Individual: several customers layout their own pieces of Cheap Gold Fantasy Renaissance Costumes. This allows developers to express by themselves fashionably through their own parts. Well, no, not really, but that flower fiend from the first item would've felt vindicated if they did. (And to show why, we offer this photo essay of what's termed "the most epic squirrel battle.It is very hard to wait once you know your order is in the mail. For this reason, most Cheap Fashion Black Diamond Net Thigh High websites and online stores have the option of tracking your online fancy dress costumes or lingerie that you order.")
We have a roundup of adorable animal photos, including one from Oregon! Have you heard about our basketball-playing otter? If not, watch his video.Meanwhile, Pat Robertson is telling the world that demons can reside in secondhand clothes and that we should all exercise due caution when shopping at Goodwill. Personally, we recommend just laundering the items, with maybe a splash of holy water just to be safe.Much strategy for this certain certainly any great thirty day period ahead of Cheap Skull Print Thigh Highs to stop run buying.Acquiring ready initially could make these men and women spectacular among numerous folks.A zoo in Scotland is trying to help pandas reproduce by having them listen to Marvin Gaye music. Apparently hearing "Let's Get it On" relaxes and soothes the animals. It's hard to know whom to pity the most in this situation: the put-upon pandas, their hapless keepers, or the PR people answering questions about panda mating mood music.Australia, ever on the forefront of medical breakthroughs, has decided that "grumpy old man syndrome" is a medical disorder. Apparently a hormonal irregularity makes men crabby. Australia offers no medical explanation for the tale of two Canadians who came to blows -- using chips and dip -- over who would have the last beer. Police arrived to find the pair "covered in chips and dip." The man involved was 39, so we assume this was less a case of "grumpy old man syndrome" and more a case of "too much beer,When buying online, you can avoid this by taking advantage of home Cheap Vivid Sequin Pineapple Costumes and returns policy. Make sure you read through the terms and conditions while you buy costumes online. too little common sense syndrome," which seems all too prevalent these days.

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